Yom Ha’Shoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, is a time for reflection, reverence and commemoration. Yom Ha’Shoah marks the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and is particularly close to our hearts here at Three Brothers Bakery. As most of you know, the Jucker family founded Three Brothers Bakery after enduring unimaginable horrors during WWII.

We opened our doors on May 8th, 1949; exactly four years after the three Jucker brothers were liberated from Waldenburg concentration camp in WWII. Prior to Waldenburg, Sigmund Jucker, the last living brother who recently celebrated his 93rd birthday, was also placed in Sosnowitz, Lipowa, Czestowa, Klobuck, Annaberg and Klagenfurt.

We invite you to join us in reverence this April 15th for Yom Ha’Shoah at any of our bakery locations, and encourage you to visit the Holocaust Museum Houston to reflect on the events of the Holocaust and all that was lost during this time. For the entire week of Yom Ha’Shoah, April 13-19th, 10% of the sales of our rye bread will go to support the Holocaust Museum Houston. Houston will also be honoring Yom Ha’Shoah with a citywide service on April 19th.

We’d like to say a special thank you to Good Morning America for recognizing the important of sharing stories like Sigmund’s. We’d be honored if you read his story on the GMA website and shared it with others, in order to make sure we never forget.
To learn more about Sigmund’s story, visit this page: Celebrating Freedom with Sigmund.