Celebrate National Dog Day on August 26th! There’s a reason why dogs are considered man’s best friend – they love on us unconditionally, can bring us joy and comfort, and are all around wonderful pets! Treat your pup to a snack they will love! We make 6 pack and 24 pack. Dog Treats that will leave your pooch barking for joy! Our delicious dog bone cookies contain: Whole Wheat Flour […]

It is the age-old question, isn’t it – what does Dad really want on Father’s Day? Does he want his kids to mow the yard? A chance to grill out on the patio? Or perhaps a fishing trip or handmade card? A poll done in 2019 reveals that most dads just want a phone call! We asked Bobby’s sons and daughter-in-law some of their favorite memories spent with him: Josh […]

Today is May 8th, 2020 – the 71st anniversary of Three Brothers Bakery. It is also 75 years since the three brothers, Sigmund, Sol and Max, and older sister Janie, were liberated from Nazi concentration camps. You can read our whole history here. We are rooted in the legacy of survival and now more than ever all small businesses are being tested. What a difference a year can make. Last […]

Wow, what a year! Does anyone else feel like it was just January? Incredible how time flies. For this last blog of 2019, we thought we’d share some highlights from this past year! January Mardi Gras season started off with a bang last year! In 2020, Mardi Gras falls on February 25th–don’t forget to order ahead! February Do you remember seeing our “National Weatherperson’s Day” cake on KPRC? We brought […]

I was number 10 on my mother’s maternal line to be diagnosed with breast cancer. I knew I was high risk, so I was diligent in my screenings. What am I saying? You are your first line of defense. You must put yourself first and get screened; otherwise, if you have breast cancer, it will never be found. Throughout my journey, I learned that sometimes the treatment can be harder […]

I have tons of sweet memories of spending Rosh Hashanah with my family, but they aren’t exactly what you would think! My mom, Marion Goldsmith, would hold a big dinner and lunch for Rosh Hashanah with family and friends alike. I never missed one – no matter where I lived or what was going on. Even when it was the UN General Assembly and I was working at The Waldorf […]

Happy (belated) Grandparent’s Day! For those of you fortunate enough to have grandparents still with us, make sure to at least give them a call today. Let them know you how much you love them, you are thinking about them, and you are thankful for all they did for you. Whether obviously or not, we all follow in their footsteps and walk in their immense shadow. For us at Three […]
You can see a cute dog like this all over the Internet these days, sure. But this picture of Bella has so much more to offer than just inspiring a quick “aww.” My friend and next-door neighbor, Cindy, purchased Bella from a breeder. She gave it to someone who was going through a divorce and had three young children. The timing wasn’t right for that family, so we ended up […]
As a business that has survived Tropical Storm Allison, the devastation of Hurricane Ike and the recent May floods, giving back to others is at the core of our business. In fact, being able to survive these disasters has enabled us to thrive and grow, right alongside our community. So it is only natural that at this 10 year anniversary of Katrina, we think about our “sister city, ” New […]
As most of you know, we love our pups here at Three Brothers Bakery. Janice and Bobby’s furry family members, Bentley, Bella and Bobka, are, of course, tail-wagging hosts at our Washington Avenue location’s dog friendly patio. Bobka came to be a part of the Jucker family with the help of PetFinders, where Bobka’s rescuer combed through hundreds of emails from interested adopters before deciding on Janice and Bobby, who then […]