We love it when our customers share photos and stories of their parties, events or just visits to Three Brothers Bakery. Below are a few recent birthday celebration photos some sweet folks have shared with us. If you have a story or photo be sure to send it to us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or on our website.
Hannah from Facebook:
Thank you for the beautiful cake! It smells so good and we cannot wait to cut it tonight!
Andrea from Instagram:
Celebrating her first birthday today! #threebrothersbakery #smashcake #birthdayparty
Jackie from Facebook:
Everyone enjoyed your heavenly 3 Layer White Birthday Cake last weekend. We all managed to *taste* more than one slice. Well done Three Brothers Bakery!

Two_Wee from Instagram:
Didn’t get to post this from Saturday night. A party to remember for sure. Thanks to all who were able to make it out.
The cake not only looked AMAZING but it was also ridiculously DELICIOUS!!! Thank you Three Brothers Bakery!!
Thank you for sharing your photos with us. Have a sweet day!