Three Brothers Bakery’s Very First Customer, Clyde Cannon
As 2023 comes to an end we want to take some time to remember someone very special to our Jucker and Three Brothers Bakery families. This past October we were sadden to learn Clyde Cannon passed away. Clyde held a very special place in our hearts because he was THE VERY FIRST CUSTOMER of Three Brothers Bakery in 1949. He reached out to us after Hurricane Ike as he read about us in the paper, I think. I always say out of everything bad comes something good, and we did not have to search far to find it. Clyde Cannon was our something good.
He remembers standing in line the day the shop opened before school began at San Jacinto High School in 1949. The three brothers had bought the old Meshkat Bakery (whose descendants we do hear from) at Holman and LaBranch across from the original Beth Israel Synagogue. We were so thrilled to be reacquainted with him. Once we met him again, he became a part of our Three Brothers Bakery family and shared all our simchas (happy occasions) with us at the bakery. He and Sigmund cut the 60th anniversary cake which we celebrated while still closed from Ike; he was the first customer at our re-opening in 2009, and he was our first customer again with the opening of our Memorial, Washington Ave and Tanglewood stores. He helped cut the cake at our 70th anniversary and almost all since that 60th anniversary and many of the new satellite store anniversaries with the support of his lovely wife, Carolyn. Now Celia, Laurie and Erin, his three daughters who he said teethed on our bagels (which the three brothers introduced to Houston), will have to take over his role. He has also been featured in Houston Chronicle articles with us along with appearances in many filmings that happened at the bakery.
Most importantly he became one of Sigmund’s best friends from that point forward along with Joe Robledo. The three of them would meet every Monday at our Memorial store and then come to Braeswood. Then when Washington opened they would start there, go to Memorial and then end at Braeswood. He was known and loved by so many on our team along with our family. Many times he was joined by his lovely wife Carolyn who he met through gardening.
Clyde was great at everything he did. He was an excellent woodworker, master gardener (by certification) and something else which escapes me right now. He went through phases and would perfect those skills. He loved his family dearly and has left a legacy of three beautiful girls – Cecilia, Laurie, Erin plus husbands and grandchildren.

Today Clyde is up there looking down on us and we know he, Sigmund and Joe are having some good laughs together. We were honored to be included in his memorial service which was full of laughter and some tears, which is what I think Clyde would have wanted. He was such a happy, beautiful man and has given us so many blessings and sweet memories.

Sigmund Jucker, Joe Robledo & Clyde Cannon – Our Three Muskateers

Clyde may your memory always be for a blessing.
We love you!
Bobby, Janice and your Three Brothers Bakery Family