When you think of spring, one of the first things that comes to mind is probably enjoying the beautiful weather outside. This goes double for Houston residents, who need to get in all the outdoor time before the summer heat and humidity make it unbearable! National Picnic Day falls at a perfect time for us – April 23, right before those 90-degree temperatures become the norm.

If you feel like celebrating – and it is a Saturday, so why wouldn’t you? – make sure to stock up on goodies so you have something to put in your picnic basket! We have all your essentials here at our bakery.
Obviously, every great picnic begins with a main course. As much as we love cake, in this case, that’s not what we are talking about! We mean sandwiches, the perfect entrée to enjoy on a picnic blanket. You probably see our bread when you come into the bakery, but do you know that we make it fresh each day? And, unlike the kinds you find in a supermarket, our bread is completely preservative free. You can even see us slice it before your eyes!

Once you’re done with the sandwiches, you will need to move on to dessert. We all know there is no better way to end a meal than on a sweet note. (Or you could also begin by eating dessert first – we won’t judge.) So, given the season, a seasonal spring treat seems fitting!

You could also go for one of our classic desserts, like a pecan pie or a stack full of gingerbread men – neither of which ever go out of season!
**As of May 8, 2019, none of our locations are certified Kosher.**
Celebrating Passover does not have to put a damper on the National Picnic Day celebrations, either, as we have any number of Passover treats ready for your enjoyment!