It has come to the time of the year when the Jewish people celebrate the High Holidays of Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah. Since these do have an impact on the operations of our bakery, we thought it might be helpful to offer a quick explanation of each.
Rosh Hashanah: Sunday, October 2 – Tuesday, October 4
This is the Jewish New Year and the kick-off to the Ten Days of Repentance that end with Yom Kippur. Our signature treat to celebrate is a round raisin challah and honey cake, which we have made for the Houston community for over 65 years. We also dip our challah in honey and/or apples, to signify our hope for a sweet year and to be sealed in the Book of Life on Yom Kippur.
This day holds a special significance for Janice, as her mother used to hold an open house for 150 people. And, mind you, that was after having had dinner for 25 and lunch for about 30 people.
**As of May 8, 2019, none of our locations are certified Kosher.**
You can thank Janice’s mother for the ability to make an order for your challahs now. When Janice joined the bakery, the bakery would not take orders for the round challahs. Her mother had a huge crowd and needed to know she was getting her challahs, so she would order them from the Kosher bakery in San Antonio. (This was BB – before Bobby.) So Janice said – we ARE going to take orders. People need to know they are getting their challahs for this important holiday.
And we have been taking orders ever since – Thanks Mom! You can order them by phone or shop online for them.

Yom Kippur: Tuesday, October 11 – Wednesday, October 12
These are holy, somber days in which we atone for sins committed in the past year. The expectation is that all Jewish adults fast for this day; thus, wish anyone commemorating this day “an easy fast” as opposed to a “good” or “happy” Yom Kippur. A traditional way to break the fast is with a challah bread. We break our fast after the final service when we have hopefully been sealed in the Book of Life and the gates are closed. This service is called Neilah, and it ends with Havdalah, a religious ceremony marking the end of Shabbat, and then the shofar (ram’s horn) is blown for one long note.
Curious about the sounds of the shofar? Listen in any of these videos!
We also eat our honey pound cake – made with real honey – to ensure a sweet New Year.

Make sure to get your challah and other sweet treats, whether you are celebrating or not!