Summer is here and many of you are planning your vacations. We can almost smell the beach…

We loved making this sweet cake!
We’ve had the opportunity to pack our bags and go to some pretty amazing places for our family vacations…and of course, we love being able to experience amazing food when we travel. When we travel we always bring goodies from the bakery that travel well- gingerbread men, hamantaschen, rye bread and bagels. But, we also love being able to create desserts to accompany all of the amazing traveling you all do.

While, we love going on cruises together, one of our favorite vacations was when Bobby and I just got in the car and started driving.  We ended up in Arkansas.  We had baths in Hot Springs, listened to a Native American tell his stories from his childhood, then made our way to Eureka and loved that it had not been touched by “the big box.”  We went to the most amazing place which was a collection of American artifacts that rivaled the Smithsonian – all in a private collection.  It’s been a while since we’ve been there, but I’m ready to go back.

Bobby and the kids having fun on one of our family vacations.

But we want to hear about your vacations! Has your family been on a safari? Or skiing in the Alps?

Those slopes look good enough to eat.

We want to know. Share your vacation with us on our Facebook page or in the comments section below. We will choose our favorite to receive a special something from Three Brothers.