G.B. Mann lunches in Bethlehem & NOT on the menu!

G.B. Mann told us “Randy and his wife were so wonderful to me.  We went all over the country.  And they never ate me and let me be a part of their family and enjoy the sites with them.  Loved all the neat restaurants and as Randy said to me ‘ lucky you aren’t on the menu this time!’  Thanks for a great trip!”

Checkout more great photos on our Facebook Photo Page

You can still take G.B. Mann on vacation.  He’s a traveling man now, so he’s hoping people will take him along all year round.  His bags are packed!

G.B. Mann’s Luggage is Always Packed (he doesn’t understand you pay for luggage now)

Keep posting those photos on our Facebook Wall

Have a sweet day!

Janice and G.B. Mann