Happy National Pie Day! Pi– or 3.14 – Day comes in March, and keep an eye out for our festivities when March rolls around. But, if the only math you want to think about is how to divide your slices, then January 23 is the day for you!
To celebrate Pi Day (3/14), we will be partnering with popular blogger, chef and Southern food connoisseur, Southern Bite, to answer any and all burning baking or pie-making questions that fans of both brands may have. On Saturday, March 14, Bobby, Three Brothers Bakery co-owner and 5th generation baker, will be on the Southern Bite Facebook page from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm, to chat with its followers and offer […]
While most of us are celebrating with friends and family this Thanksgiving, there are many more that are going without a holiday meal. This holiday season, we have decided to do our part in making Thanksgiving a little sweeter. We are partnering with one of our favorite organization, Star of Hope Mission throughout the month of November to bring a little slice of home to those in need. This month, when […]
When you are in our line of business, there are few things that say “YOU DID IT!” such as waking up in the morning and knowing that your bakery will have some very important visitors that day… …that is, if those visitors are from Food Network itself! Three Brothers Bakery was honored and excited to play host to Tom Pizzica of the hit television show Outrageous Food and his amazing […]
Did you know that the state tree of this glorious state of Texas is the pecan tree? The United States produces 80-90 percent of the world’s pecan supply with Texas and Georgia being the largest suppliers. The pecan tree can grow up to one hundred and fifty feet in height, just as the saying goes, “Everything is bigger in Texas.” Three Brothers Bakery of Houston, has become the recent recipient […]