Laissez les bons temps rouler! That’s right, you’ve probably heard this infamous French saying more than once in your life. What does it mean? Well, it’s simple. LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL! Celebrated in the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Sweden, USA and more, Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday), also known as Shrove Tuesday, Carnival Tuesday, and Pancake Tuesday is the carnival celebration beginning on or after the Christian Feast of the […]

Now that we’re past Thanksgiving, it’s on to the next set of holidays at Three Brothers Bakery. We’re already making our preparations for Hanukkah (Tuesday, December 12 – Wednesday, December 20) and Christmas (Monday, December 25)! Growing up, my mom did not allow us to decorate for Hanukkah until the first night. So right before sundown, we’d rush to put up our little string of blue and white balls and […]
Trick or treat, trick or treat, Three Brothers Bakery will sell you something good to eat! Happy Halloween, friends. Some people can’t stop thinking about what costume they’re going to wear, but all I can think about is sweet stuff. My fondest memories of Halloween all involve getting lots of candy – and unfortunately, my worst Halloween memory also involves candy. Even before it was common practice, my mom inspected […]

Laissez les bon temps rouler! It’s already time for the first holiday season of 2017 here at the bakery – Mardi Gras season! It kicks off every year on January 6, but the length of the season varies on the date of Fat Tuesday. This year, we are lucky to have a long Mardi Gras season since Fat Tuesday does not fall until February 28. We used to make our […]
We are so excited about next week’s big football game! While we, of course, wish our Houston boys were playing, we still can’t wait for all food, football and fun that comes along with the game. We wanted to do something extra special for all of our fans, so we are having a contest just in time for the game. You could win one of our newest creations, a Cheesecake […]
It’s that time of year where we start breaking out the beads and we see more yellow, green and purple. That’s right, Mardi Gras season is upon us! We love this sweet holiday and love all the treats that go along with it even more. We have talked about the traditions of this holiday on the blog before. If you’d like to learn more about them, click here. We love […]
It’s not just king cakes at here Three Brothers this Mardi Gras season. This holiday has so much history and tradition and we just love every bit of it! We’ve got the perfect treat for any of your Mardi Gras gatherings. Interested in learning more about the tradition of the King Cake? Just click here to read our previous post all about it! If you were lucky enough to find […]
Did you happen to bite into a small trinket while enjoying a king cake this year? It’s your lucky day! What is this thing?! Traditionally, small trinkets are baked or placed in a King Cake. These trinkets can be ceramic dolls, small beans or (if you’re in America) a tiny, plastic toy doll. If you’ve gotten your king cake at Three Brothers Bakery, you might notice we used chocolate coins […]