As we approach the intense election season, one thing you hopefully will hear many speaking about on the news or online is on how to be a good citizen. Citizenship is the duties and rights given to each citizen to participate in their society. One thing Janice has always stressed is the importance of voting, as well as communicating often with local, state, and federal lawmakers. We’ve just finished celebrating […]

This year, our 4th of July might feel a little different, following the months we’ve spent being extra cautious over COVID-19, but this is a great time to reflect on the freedoms we enjoy. Sigmund, Sol, and Max – the original three brothers – know how sweet freedom can be. Following their liberation from the concentration camp, Sigmund fell to the ground and kissed it – a newly freed man. […]

The 4th of July is arguably the biggest holiday of the entire summer. It’s about celebrating our country, eating barbeque, and marveling at fireworks. But Independence Day is also, most importantly, about tradition. There are tons of different traditions we enjoy in Houston for the 4th of July. There’s the Freedom Over Texas fireworks display that happens annually in Eleanor Tinsley Park, or you could join hundreds of others at […]

Happy Fourth of July! As we celebrate America’s independence, we must never forget the true meaning of the holiday and what freedom means for people across the world. For Sigmund and his brothers, Max and Sol, the United States truly did bring them liberation for the concentration camp in which they were held. It then provided them a home, a place to start a business, and a place to raise […]