Pink Cookies for Komen

October 15, 2012

October has arrived and it is officially Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Breast Cancer Awareness is a topic near and dear to our hearts here at Three Brothers Bakery, and we are so excited about everything going on this month. Just last week, Cleverly Stone and Ruben Dominguez stopped by so we could show them the ropes on creating the perfect Pink Ribbon Cake out of petit fours! You can watch […]

Susan G. Komen – A Memory From The Early Years

September 28, 2012

In the early 1990s I was working at a telecommunications company in Dallas. Someone in our company met Nancy Brinker who had just created a charity called Susan G. Komen, in memory of her sister and with the purpose to wipe out breast cancer. It was a fledgling operation and finally they were moving into an office. Our company donated a phone system, and I was the liaison between our […]

Plain and Simple: Why I Am Continuing Support for Susan G. Komen for the Cure

April 22, 2012

As  a breast cancer survivor I wanted to explain why I continue to support Susan G. Komen for the Cure.  Please also note:  I am writing this blog post on my own and from my heart. I have no affiliation with the organization except for occasional volunteer and annual walker in Race for the Cure. In the wake of the decision to not support Planned Parenthood and reversal of the […]