Order Your Custom Cake Shop The Best Pecan Pies in Houston Traditionally April showers bring May flowers, but it also brings pecans-by the boat load especially at Three Brothers Bakery and in the Great State of Texas, as it is our national tree. According to the National Pecan Shellers Association, April is National Pecan Month. They’re encouraging everyone to, “think outside the pie” and look at this tree nut in […]

Looking for something to celebrate this week? Well, look no further than National Pecan Pie Day on Wednesday, July 12! We’re celebrating this day with a special promotion – any visitors who buy our new drink The Memory Maker (a pecan pie latte) will also receive 10% off the purchase of a Pecan Pie. We’ve focused a lot on this sweet treat for the past few years at Three Brothers […]

Last year, we tried something new to celebrate Pi Day – 3.14, or March 14 – a contest to win pecan pie. Anyone who recited 10 digits would win a slice of pecan pie, and those who could recite 25 digits (75 for 2017) won a whole pecan pie. Well, little did we know, but so many smart school children were practicing for two whole weeks to learn all the […]

Happy National Pie Day! Pi– or 3.14 – Day comes in March, and keep an eye out for our festivities when March rolls around. But, if the only math you want to think about is how to divide your slices, then January 23 is the day for you!
To celebrate Pi Day (3/14), we will be partnering with popular blogger, chef and Southern food connoisseur, Southern Bite, to answer any and all burning baking or pie-making questions that fans of both brands may have. On Saturday, March 14, Bobby, Three Brothers Bakery co-owner and 5th generation baker, will be on the Southern Bite Facebook page from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm, to chat with its followers and offer […]
It’s that time of year where we start breaking out the beads and we see more yellow, green and purple. That’s right, Mardi Gras season is upon us! We love this sweet holiday and love all the treats that go along with it even more. We have talked about the traditions of this holiday on the blog before. If you’d like to learn more about them, click here. We love […]
2014 was an amazing year for us. We opened our Washington Avenue location, celebrated our 65th anniversary, the Pumpecapple Piecake received national attention and it was another year serving our wonderful friends, family and customers in Houston and across the nation. Thank you to everyone who made this year so sweet! We will see you all in 2015!
We’ve been baking the giant Pumpecapple Piecake for many years, but recently the 24-pound, 11-inch tall confection has been making national news. No doubt, if you like Three Brothers Bakery on Facebook you have seen some of the wonderful coverage the piecake has received, but here are some of the highlights from the past month! ABC 13 This little story is what sparked much of the coverage this month. The […]
While most of us are celebrating with friends and family this Thanksgiving, there are many more that are going without a holiday meal. This holiday season, we have decided to do our part in making Thanksgiving a little sweeter. We are partnering with one of our favorite organization, Star of Hope Mission throughout the month of November to bring a little slice of home to those in need. This month, when […]
As we begin the new year we wanted to take some time to look back on 2013. We have some sweet memories from the past year that we will cherish forever. 2013 was a busy year for our bakery, but there are some major “wow” moments that come to mind. Last year we were named Retail Bakery of the Year by Modern Baking magazine. The magazine cited our successful family […]