Our sense of smell is directly linked with our memory. The brain’s connection to our nose is stronger than any other of the body’s five senses. That’s why when you smell a perfume, a blooming flower, or even a piece of clothing, you are instantly transported to the moment in your life when that scent was most prevalent in your life. One of the best examples of that link between […]
Party hats, check. Noise makers, check. Champagne, check. Buttons…do you have the buttons? The cookie buttons that is. Most people associate baked goods with Christmas, but have you ever thought of buying sweets to celebrate the New Year? At Three Brothers Bakery, we feel the arrival of 2019 is a perfect occasion to order our cookie buttons and other sweets. What are cookie buttons? Shaped like a traditional cookie just […]

With the holiday season upon us at Three Brothers Bakery we are in full swing producing many of the traditional ‘old country’ baked goods. This includes the popular German holiday bread, Stollen. It is consistently one of the most frequently ordered items at all three of our bakeries. But if Stollen is a delicacy you’re not familiar with, then let us give you a little sweet education. Let’s call this: […]

Now that we’re past Thanksgiving, it’s on to the next set of holidays at Three Brothers Bakery. We’re already making our preparations for Hanukkah (Tuesday, December 12 – Wednesday, December 20) and Christmas (Monday, December 25)! Growing up, my mom did not allow us to decorate for Hanukkah until the first night. So right before sundown, we’d rush to put up our little string of blue and white balls and […]

Happy Purim! On the evening of Purim, Jews go to the synagogue, where the rabbi shares the story of Esther, who stood up to Haman and helped the Jewish people escape his tyranny. This commemoration leads into the Purim schpeil, a community play acting out the Megillah (story of Esther). Some of my favorite Purim memories include Harvey Gibb dressing up as Queen Esther – and, of course, the infamous […]

Three years ago, you may remember the serendipitous occurrence known as Thanksgivukkah when the holidays of Thanksgiving and the beginning of Hanukkah happened to fall on the same day. (That was a once-in-70,000 years’ overlap, so don’t count on another one of such celebrations in your lifetime.) But don’t fret too much because 2016 gives us another fun holiday crossover! This year, say hello to Chrismukkah: the first night of […]

It has come to the time of the year when the Jewish people celebrate the High Holidays of Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah. Since these do have an impact on the operations of our bakery, we thought it might be helpful to offer a quick explanation of each. Rosh Hashanah: Sunday, October 2 – Tuesday, October 4 This is the Jewish New Year and the kick-off to the Ten Days […]

Happy Labor Day! While this might spell the unofficial end of summer with the holiday Monday, we still think there are many reasons to celebrate. We certainly think hard work deserves recognition. So, in that spirit, we wanted to thank the many employees of Three Brothers Bakery who bring talent, creativity and passion every day to make every sweet a treat. Below are some pictures of them along with some […]
National Picnic Day falls at a perfect time for us – April 23, right before those 90-degree temperatures become the norm.

Spring has sprung! The season has now officially changed, even though the Houston weather started feeling like summer a while back. You might have noticed our bakery cases reflect the season as well, bringing exciting new treats and decorations to celebrate. It’s a time when we get to celebrate birth as well as all things new and fresh – the blooming of flowers, the transformation of caterpillars into butterflies, the return […]