Weddings are some of the most extravagant and funnest parties we ever attend. They’re all about love, family, and of course, beautiful cakes. Wedding cakes are a delight to make–they are often intricate and unique. Take a look below at some of our most beloved wedding cakes from the past few years! Sullivan Taylor Photography Nate Messarra Photography Nate Messarra Photography Rachel Driskell Photo Rachel Driskell Photo Samantha O’Neal Photography […]

Order Your Custom Cake Shop Unique Wedding Cakes Where can I find earthy-hued wedding invitations? How do you feel about bright orange and pink table décor? Should we have only greenery for our centerpieces or pampas grass? Oooh….I want a dark purple wedding cake! Feeling a little overwhelmed about making wedding day decisions? You’re not alone. There are literally hundreds of choices to make. Whether you consult with your significant […]

Here is something to give you a chuckle. There was a time at Three Brothers Bakery that if you wanted to order something you had to wait until 7 days before because there were only 7 clipboards, so anything earlier than 7 days could not be ordered. The next generation “modernized” the bakery and let you give orders 8 days before and more. Most people came down to the bakery […]

Perhaps there is no better time to reflect on the success and experiences of a business year than at the end of it. In our case, it has been a very busy 2018 at Three Brothers Bakery. We are extremely grateful for what this year has brought us both professionally and personally. We wanted to share a few brief snapshots of what this year has meant to our bakery family. […]

At Three Brothers Bakery, we truly do have the most creative, ingenious cake decorators and designers. No challenge is too big for them, nor is any idea too crazy. They can do just about anything, and we want to take a moment to give them the attention and praise they deserve. Their work really does speak for itself, so here are some of their best cakes from the past year, […]
If you’ve come to Three Brothers Bakery in the past couple of years for a wedding cake, chances are you’ve met with our amazing Wedding Cake Consultant, Jasmine. She has worked with us for two years and helps us create some truly incredible wedding cakes, all while keeping everyone involved happy. Last November, our wedding consultant had a wedding of her own! She married her now husband, Chris, in a […]
At Three Brothers Bakery we see newly engaged couples all the time at our three locations and truly enjoy helping them choose their perfect wedding cake. Well, about a week ago, a future groom asked us to help him with this most special moment, which took place at our Washington Avenue bakery. It was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience for most of us never actually witness a wedding proposal. The lovely […]
We say it all the time, but just we love being a part of your special days and hearing your Three Brothers Bakery memories. We really are memory makers who happen to be bakers. Fortunately, so many of you have been willing to share your memories with us. Here are a few would like to share with you… From our Facebook page: Josephine Firat- This little guy said our Washington Avenue […]
If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a thousand times, and that’s because we truly mean it: we love being a part of your special days and we love hearing your Three Brothers Bakery memories. We really are memory makers who happen to be bakers. Fortunately, so many of you have been willing to share your memories with us. We gathered up a few of these memories to share […]
We’ve created thousands of wedding cakes in our 65 years of serving Houston. We’ve seen wedding trends come and go, but the most important thing a wedding cake can be is unique! We love creating custom cakes that fit the bride and groom’s style. Here are three creative cake trends that are perfect for your summer celebration. 1. Half and Half Cakes What do you do if you like white […]