On May 1st our family participated in the 10th March of Remembrance in conjunction with Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Remembrance Day. The organization was created by descendants of Nazi, who are using the lessons of the Holocaust and terrible atrocities committed by their ancestors to make sure something as terrible will never happen again. We must learn from our history to make peace in this world. Bobby’s mother, Edith Jucker, told her […]

Graduation dates back to 12th century Europe when Latin was the language of academics. The words ‘degree’ and ‘graduate’ stem from the Latin word gradus which means “step”. The long gown worn during the commencement ceremony is called an academic regalia. These gowns are a 700-year-old tradition that scholars originally wore to keep warm due to buildings not being heated in Europe. The tossing of the cap tradition was originated at […]

Celebrating A Bakery Empire! Our story began in Europe (Chrzanow, Poland) around 1825 with the first bakery opening. Sadly, the family was sent to concentration camps in 1941 where they had to practice extreme courage and bravery until their freedom from the SS officers on May 8, 1945. The three brothers (Sigmund, Sol, and Max Jucker) along with their sister immigrated to Houston, Texas where they opened a bakery on […]

Dearest Mother… Unlike Any Other! Have you ever wondered how Mother’s Day actually came about? Julia Howe was the author of “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” and first suggested Mother’s Day in 1870. It was an anti-war observance. Later on, American activist Ann Jarvis encouraged Woodrow Wilson to make the 2nd Sunday of May a permanent day to honor mothers. Jarvis held the first Mother’s Day in 1908 when she […]
Honey Bee, Come Find Me April is National Lawn and Garden Month and the perfect time to beautify your lawn and garden space! Everyone is clearing out the weeds and debris from winter’s past, making room for vegetables, spices, and flowers! Flowers, such as zinnias and begonias, make excellent additions to a colorful garden during the Houston summer months. Vines are also very popular! Fun Fact: Did you know that […]
Blossom by Blossom, Spring has Sprung! The first day of spring is known as the vernal equinox. It gets its name from the verb “spring”. It’s a nod to the flowers and plants springing up, opening, and bursting into bloom. Spring is a time of rebirth for nature. Lush greenery, blooming flowers, and baby animals can be seen all around! The days are getting longer, allowing you to spend more […]

A motivated individual can accomplish a lot over lunch, yet it wouldn’t surpass what seven gentlemen accomplished at the Texas State Hotel over an afternoon lunch. It was historical! The conversation that took place centered on the protection of the cattle industry along the Texas Gulf Coast. Alas! The idea of a Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo was born! Did you know? There’s approximately 600 sanctioned rodeos annually with over […]

What comes to mind when you hear the reference “pi/pie”? Could it be the mathematical constant known as 3.14159265358979…? How about the delectable circular perfection that comes in a multitude of flavors? The day known as National Pi Day (03/14) was officially recognized by the House of Representatives in 2009. The world has celebrated this special day by consuming various pies, throwing pies, and discussing the significance of pi. Larry Shaw, from […]

Laissez les bons temps rouler! That’s right, you’ve probably heard this infamous French saying more than once in your life. What does it mean? Well, it’s simple. LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL! Celebrated in the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Sweden, USA and more, Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday), also known as Shrove Tuesday, Carnival Tuesday, and Pancake Tuesday is the carnival celebration beginning on or after the Christian Feast of the […]

Today is Yom Hashoah – Holocaust Remembrance Day. We take a moment to remember the horrors of the Shoah (Holocaust), memorialize those who were unjustly murdered, celebrate our survivors and make sure we keep the story alive, so it will never happen again. We must never forget! Tonight Holocaust Museum Houston is hosting at 7pm a virtual Yom Hashoah Commemoration, but you need to RSVP.Visit http://hmh.org/YomHaShoah to RSVP.