What comes to mind when you think of summer? Is it day trips to the beach? Late night ice cream adventures? Enjoying an outdoor fire at camp? Whatever you picture whenever you think of summer, we’re certain one experience stands out: eating S’mores. S’mores were originally invented in 1927 by–you guessed it–the Girl Scouts! At first, they were called the “Some More”, eventually the tasty treat shifted to S’more and […]

Purim is arguably one of the funnest Jewish holidays on the calendar. It is a celebration of the Jewish people triumphing over an evil plot of execution, as well as Jewish heritage. Many Jewish people celebrate Purim by having a big party and dressing up in costumes like the ones below! YNet | Motti Kimchi The Times of Israel | Dorit Wagner But it wouldn’t be Purim without Hamantaschen! These […]

When you think spring, what comes to mind? Warmer weather? The spring holidays like Passover, Easter, and St. Patrick’s Day? The world turning green again? Allergies? At Three Brothers Bakery, we love Spring! So, we thought we’d give some sweet suggestions to try for Spring 2020! Strawberry Cake Our 8” Strawberry Creme Cake is a scrumptious option for those with a lighter palate. Our Strawberry cake is filled with strawberry […]

There’s nothing quite like the holidays! Festive music is played for weeks on-end, candles and lights decorate houses and windows, and we give ourselves permission to eat and eat and eat. But there is one holiday tradition that in particular brings a smile to almost every face: Gingerbread Houses. The use of ginger in food goes back to ancient times, where it was primarily used for medicinal purposes. However, the […]

On the go and in need of a snack? Looking for something sweet and shareable? Interested in a fresh idea for birthdays, weddings, or another event? Three Brothers Bakery has just the treat! Our delicious Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Buttons are sweet, cute, will bring fun and deliciousness to any party! Our Gingerbread is a year-round classic–a Jucker family recipe going back well over 60 years! We cut gingerbread cookie […]

On Saturday, July 20th, the world will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 space mission–the galactic adventure that finally brought man to the moon. The Apollo Moon Landing was an event that captivated the world–arguably, it’s one of the greatest achievements of mankind in the last century. Apollo 11 Moon Landing – NASA In Houston, the NASA program is very near and dear to our collective hearts. Houston […]

Mother, mom, mommy, or ma, no matter what you call her, she is traditionally the first adult in our lives who provides us with unconditional love and support. She works tirelessly to take care of us and guide us throughout our life helping us make the best decisions to become a successful adult. It is for these reasons that we honor all mothers in the U.S. on May 12-Mother’s Day. […]

According to the National Teacher Association, May 7 is a “day for honoring teachers and recognizing the lasting contributions they make to our lives.” Designated as National Teacher Appreciation Day, it is an opportunity to mark the crucial role teachers have in educating and shaping all of our children. It is for that reason that we at Three Brothers Bakery have assembled a list of some of the best ways […]

Our sense of smell is directly linked with our memory. The brain’s connection to our nose is stronger than any other of the body’s five senses. That’s why when you smell a perfume, a blooming flower, or even a piece of clothing, you are instantly transported to the moment in your life when that scent was most prevalent in your life. One of the best examples of that link between […]
Party hats, check. Noise makers, check. Champagne, check. Buttons…do you have the buttons? The cookie buttons that is. Most people associate baked goods with Christmas, but have you ever thought of buying sweets to celebrate the New Year? At Three Brothers Bakery, we feel the arrival of 2019 is a perfect occasion to order our cookie buttons and other sweets. What are cookie buttons? Shaped like a traditional cookie just […]